May 4, 2011


I did some editing/transplanting in the garden this week. It was long overdue. I harvested lots of giant beets and dug out the cilantro that had gone to seed. Cilantro grows beautifully all winter long here, but it goes to seed with the first hint of hot weather. I thought it was so pretty, and I couldn't bare to throw it away. I stuck it in mason jars all around my kitchen. It has been making me happy all week. My kitchen makes me happy too, now that it is as white as can be. It puts me in a good mood, which is good since I spend most of my day in it. I will be very sad to leave it when the time comes.


ecuakim said...


dandee said...

love the cilantro (one of my favorite herbs), love your white kitchen + your pretty tolix stools!

jlthomas said...

Your kitchen looks straight out of a magazine, beautiful! Mine is a disaster!