Sep 11, 2009

Sweet Moments

I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off lately. Both boys are in the destructive terrible two stage, and life is hard. Don't even bring up potty training. I have been doing it for a year and a half, with very little progress. The tears start to flow when I think about having three children in diapers, but at this point it seems inevitable. I have read every book and tried every tactic, but am still open to advice. I have been totally and completely humbled in this arena of parenting.

This morning while I was organizing things in my room, the boys snuggled up together on my bed and "read" some books they found on the floor. Max's stories were about trucks and animals, but Ian's went exactly like this: "Once upon a time...a little monkey...the end!" He repeated that phrase over and over for a good 10 minutes as he turned the pages of Emily Dickinson poetry and lounged on my bed. It was one of those sweet moments that reminded me that I love my job. There is nothing else I'd rather be doing and nowhere else I'd rather be than at home taking care of my little boys.


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm bummed that you were in the OC and we missed you. It's been so long.

You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! I love the pic of you!

Lastly, you are quite the productive Mama! I can't get that kind of motivation even when I'm not prego.

Jessica said...

I can't imagine having two, much less three. One seems absolutely impossible so far. Not much hope for the giant family I always wanted...

Jennifer Shurbet said...

Overall, Elyse's potty training has been a disaster. However last week, Dr. Leavitt had some good suggestions. First he said get rid of the diapers/Pull-ups and ONLY use them for sleep time. Buy the thick, padded underwear and the plastic coverings. Then he looked at Elyse directly, and made sure she was looking back at him, and told her she was a big girl and did not need to wear diapers or pull-ups anymore. He very seriously told her to call him when she stopped having accidents. I thought he was kidding about the phone call, but he said it several times. We still have a few accidents, but she will sit on the potty regularly and knows that she doesn't wear Pull-ups anymore. I'm hopeful this will do the trick. Good luck!

Shells said...

I feel for you on the potty training. Mike is FINALLY potty trained after 9 months of working with him. We had to just keep piling reward, upon reward to the point that if he would do his business on the potty, we gave him a big bowl of icecream, a bag of jelly beans, and fruit snacks. For whatever reason, that finally did the trick (because a big bowl of icecream and a bag of jelly beans wasn't enough without the fruit snacks???). Good luck to you, I can't imagine 3 in diapers.