Today when I called J-P to tell him something funny Max said, he responded with "how come you never write these things down on the blog?" I informed him that my current hiatus from habitual blogging is the direct result of a full hard drive. I can't download any pics to my computer. Blogging is not fun without pictures. The end.
I did agree that I need to be better about documenting our humorous moments. Here is the aforementioned funny episode:
Preface: Ian learned how to open child locks before he could walk. He's smart like that. After a month of careful observation, Max caught on. Now they are always opening cupboards and making huge messes. If I let them. And sometimes I do. It's easier than fighting them and lifting all 30-something pounds of Max into his crib for timeout.
Today they got into the cupboard under the sink. The one with the garbage and all the dangerous chemicals. Ian was pulling out different industrial cleaners and Max was searching through the garbage. "GET OUT OF HERE! You know you aren't supposed to play in here!", I yelled. Max gave me a half-eye roll, pushed me away and said "mom, just go look at your computer".
Max picks up on everything. Everything. The other day when we were watching the bachelor (so embarrassing to admit), Max woke up crying. He was sick, so I brought him into the kitchen to give him some tylenol. I didn't think he would notice the t.v. so I didn't pause it. On his way back to bed he stopped, gave his daddy a very passionate kiss on the cheek, and gazed into his eyes with a big smile before continuing on to his room. Both of our jaws dropped. We couldn't believe what he picked up from watching 30 seconds of a not-for-children show.Today Ian was playing behind the couch. The boys KNOW they are not supposed to play behind the couch. When Max saw Ian back there, he hollered "Get out of there baby! You hear me baby?, I said get out of there! Oh my goodness baby. I so mad at you. I going to count. One, two, three, four, five...OK, go a time out baby!!!" I almost busted a gut laughing. I'm starting to learn how careful I have to be. Max is so observant and he remembers everything. Sometimes I don't realize my faults until he mirrors them.