Jan 22, 2009



it rained last night. i am looking out the window at our wet shoes on the back patio. this is the first day we've stayed inside. my grandma and i have been reading jane austen books, watching jane austen movies, shopping, and drinking blueberry soda from trader joe's.

is there a trader joe's in china? i don't think i can move there if there's not.
last night grandma instigated a dance party. you would never guess she is in her 80's. ian went crazy. he LOVES to dance. almost gave himself whiplash. max did a few half-hearted dance moves. he hasn't been himself this week. still misses you.
oh, and ian is now 14 months. he is picking up new words everyday. things like "oatmeal" (oh-meal), "avocado" (acado), "car", "truck", "drop it" (as he drops food on the floor. and laughs), "banana" (nana), "nose", "neck", etc. he's a total genius. well, either a genius or fortunate to have a chatterbox brother talking (yelling?) at him all day long.

i am so exhausted by the end of the day i can't move. but that's not the only reason i miss you.

be safe. and don't eat pork.

je t'aime,



ecuakim said...

Are you just loving having J-P home!?! I just took Jose to the airport. He and our business partner went to Houston for 2 days. He'll be back Thursday night. (I totally forgot he was going until he reminded me on Monday! So...we'll have to get together next week.) Here I go, joining the ranks of the temporarily husbandless wives.

Alicia Leppert said...

My kids are 5 and 7 and still don't know the word avacado. So funny that your kids learn it as soon as they can talk. My kids got "Cheetos" down pretty quick though.

cherise and Tristan said...

I love you guys! I miss you guys so much. Thank you for the adorable christmas card and the wedding gift. We got some stuff for our house there. Nothing exciting, but toilet paper holders and bars for towels in the bathroom. I enjoy your blog cause you don't feel so far away.