We put up the Christmas tree while the boys were asleep. The next morning I said "Max, do you like the tree?" He looked at me with impatient eyes and said "that's not a tree mommy, that's a Christmas tree." All day long it's "that's not a truck mommy, that's a dump truck"..."that's not green mommy, that's blue"... "that's not a car mommy, that's a police car"...and so on.
It gets better. While walking past the lady behind the fabric counter at Joann's, he blatantly stated "that's not a witch mommy, that's just a lady." Maybe because they had a large witch by the counter during Halloween? So embarrassing.
The worst offense? A few days ago I had just put the baby down for a nap. As I quietly closed the door, Max came marching towards me, playing his drums as loudly as possible. "MAX!!! What are you..." He quickly cut me off with "I not waking up the baby mommy, i just playing the drums." There is no reasoning with him. He is right. End of story. The fact the I know exactly how he feels does not augment my patience level. Our little family will have to do some stretching to make room for two know-it-alls. Wish us luck.
Mary Ann, I know exactly how you feel! My Natalie has so many of my qualities that it drives me insane sometimes. She is such a drama queen, a party/event planner, and perfectionist. It's so strange that it's hard to get along with ourselves :) Good luck!-Laurie
Oh yes. We know how you feel.
Hilarious! I know exactly how he feels too, as I am also always right.
That is really funny.
M-A, You have such a talent in writing. Max is hilarious. I can't believe how much your boys look like you. What funny stories. I'm glad you're writing them and sharing them with us. Thank-you.
I think all my kids got from me is my fears. But I know what you mean. As I sit there yelling at them that it is JUST a DOG and it will NOT hurt them and there is NO REASON to be afraid, I am thinking, "How can I justifiably do this when I know exactly how they are feeling and that nothing I say will make any difference?" It's scary to see ourselves in our kids.
Where oh where has my blogging friend gone? Hi! Are you guys back in town? Or just avoiding me??? Yikes. Maybe don't answer that... :) Just kidding. I'd love to hang out though!
I love it!! I do feel your pain! We have at least 4 if not 5 know it alls in our house!!! LOL!! ANd no I'm not giving names!!! LOL!! Lets just say I'm glad I'm not alone!! :0)
I used to think if I had a kid that was just like me it would be easy to figure out how to deal with them. Not so. I can figure out the child who is not like me faster than I can figure out the one who is a carbon copy of me. Oh well!
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