Jun 15, 2005

Last trip before the move...

So I left early this morning to be there in time to receive our Washer
and Dryer and sure enough, I just made it. They delivered as I drove
up! Sweet! He installed everything and it seemed like they were
perfect until I turned the washer on to do the first load and noticed
it was leaking water! Ugh! I went ahead and did a bunch of laundry
that desperately needed to get done, but with towels on the floor to
soak up the excess water.

We've scheduled a technician to come out and look at the machine and
we'll see if we can't get it fixed. If not, we have 90 days to load
the 300 lbs washer into a truck and haul it back to the store! Ahhh!

I sure hope they fix it!!!

Love to all!

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