May 28, 2011

picking peaches

Things I will miss about Arizona:

-picking organic peaches at a local farm (in May!)
-hiking in the desert
-trader joe's and cafe rio
-swimming 6-7 months out of the year
-good friends
-being close to family
-warm weather

Things I won't miss:


Yes, we are moving. To a much colder state. One that neither of us has ever lived in before. Those that know me well know that I am not a fan of cold weather. I am one of the few that actually like hot weather. Living in Arizona is like having a free sauna. Just think of all the detoxing that goes on in the month of July...not to mention all the vitamin D! But I love to experience new things and visit new places.  So, I am putting on a positive attitude and looking on the bright side. And extending an invitation to anyone that wants to come visit...


Whitney said...

Aww! We are going to miss you MaryAnn! I hope all goes well in your new place!

~Sarah said...

Were there any peaches left in the box by the time you got home? Looks like it was a fun day! I will come visit...

ecuakim said...

I can't believe the inevitable has actually come. When is the big day? Moving day, that is. And, I've never been to Colorado (except driving through Aspen as a kid) so we'll have to take you up on your offer!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

So excited for your new adventure! I've always wanted to see Colorado. We just may take you up on that offer. :o)