Dec 2, 2009

in the blink of an eye

In five years I have gone from being a twenty-something single living it up in L.A. to a thirty-something mother of three with a minivan living it up in the suburbs. It happened SO fast. Overnight. Needless to say, my life has changed. A lot.

I sleep a lot less than I used to. I have not had more than 1-2 hours of consecutive sleep since Ava was born. She is not a fan of sleeping. I also have not had a nap since she was born. And it's starting to catch up. Monday I was SO tired. And Ava was really fussy. I spent most of the day sitting on the couch...nursing and jiggling Ava with one arm, and browsing cyber monday deals/designing our Christmas card with the other. I stayed in my pajamas all day and served pillsbury cinnamon rolls for lunch (so gross, i'll never buy those again). I let the boys ransack the house and didn't clean a thing (except for the carton of eggs that Ian broke).

When J-P walked out of his office at the end of the day and saw the disastrous explosion of toddler debris, he said "um, what did you do all day?" I smiled and said "Nothing. This is what our house would look like if I didn't do anything all day long."
I think it scared him. He took the baby from my tired arms and loaded everyone into the car to go to In 'n Out for dinner.

I have spent the last two days cleaning. It is safe to say that I will not be taking another vacation from my domestic duties anytime soon. The aftermath is too painful.


Kendra said...

love thix pict! Who took it and where?

[M] said...

my sister-in-law took it at schnepf farms on sat.

J + A said...

I love Max's smile in this picture. So cute!!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

When you put it that way it does seem like a blink of an eye. What a difference five years makes? WOW!

Shells said...

You all look so good! Love the pictures. I'm right there with you how quickly life can completely change (except my story is 6 years).

Kathryn M said...

and that is why I am putting off kids as long as possibe!

Jessica said...

What I don't understand is why you look so great. How do you do it??!

Great picture. :)

ecuakim said...

The pictures are darling! And I can't wait to see your Christmas card! I'll get mine in the mail by Tuesday, I hope. And designing my card took 3 days and produced a very grumpy-that-the-house-is-a-disaster family. I, too, learned my lesson.