Nov 9, 2007

Busy Waiting...

While I have been anxiously awaiting a call from the hospital (induction), Max has been very busy keeping me on my feet. Gravity is definitely on my side here. I have been chasing him around the house as he tears apart all of the cleaning and organizing I've been doing. He has packed and unpacked my hospital bag several times, each time adding random treasures that he finds around the house.

When he's done tearing apart the house, we move to the backyard so he can continue his destruction. Today he ate an unusually large amount of mud. I still can't figure out why he likes it and goes back for more. I suppose I need to learn to contain my reaction.

I don't normally let him get this out of hand, but he had to endure another fasting blood test this morning so I let him go crazy when we got home to compensate for the trauma. Max + no breakfast = lots of tears. Poor kid. We also had to collect a urine sample- not easy to do when your child is not potty trained. Hopefully we will have some answers about his thyroid trouble soon.


Chelsea said...

I know this sounds funny to say on a post where your child is covered in mud, but Max is seriously beautiful. Those eyes could get him on the cover of a magazine.

Shells said...

We're all sufficiently over our colds, so if you need some help with Max when you go to the hospital, let me know. I'd love to help out.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Aaron tells me that when people eat mud, it tends to mean they are low on iron. Maybe the mud is doing his body some good.

Congrats on #2. Nona told my Mom who told me. :o)