Feb 11, 2007

Latest Hobby

I have been spending way too much time on ebay lately. I love watching and bidding on the antique botanical prints. I never win any auctions because I am so cheap, but I finally won one... This is a rare 1901 Botanical chromolithograph from the NYS Fish and Game Commission annual report. I love it.


dandee said...

Mary Ann, I love botanical prints and also bid a lot on ebay for them. Haven't won any yet, this print is gorgeous!

[M] said...

Thanks! So you're my competition:) Surprisingly I was the only bidder on this and paid only 4.99 for it.

Alicia Leppert said...

It's beautiful. What exactly is a chromolithograph?

Natasha said...

I'd love your next blog to have a picture of your pool with sunny AZ in the background. I'm desperately missing my old home.


[M] said...

Natasha, you must be talking about our pool with all the dead palm trees around it. Everything is dead here, it looks so sad. I can't complain about the lovely 78 degree weather. I'll try to post one soon:) Alicia, a lithograph is the old-fashioned way of making a copy. Uses a technique similar to a rubber stamp, but back then I think they used stone. It was the color copying method of the 1800's.

Natasha said...

78 degrees! My boys would be out in their play pool. I'm going to plan a trip there next Febuary.
