Jul 31, 2011

Family Reunion

We had a Scoville family reunion in July. Our moving company was a tad late getting here with our belongings. We missed the first day of the reunion, and literally locked the door immediately after they brought in the last box and jumped in the car. We were so exhausted. I spent a few hours in a laundromat the night before so we would have clean clothes to take. It was awesome.

We made it without falling asleep on the drive. Barely. We were a little worn out and I didn't document the event with nearly as many pictures as I should have. We had a very nice time in Midway. It's such a beautiful place. J-P's cousins were very generous and allowed us to stay in their beautiful vacation home. It was so nice to all fit under the same roof. We went for a lovely hike (forgot the camera), swam in the beautiful pool (notice the views of Mt. Timpanogas), played games, chatted, and went for a tour of J-P's late grandmother's property and neighborhood. Luckily we remembered to get a picture of the siblings and grandchildren. It was a much needed break from all of the moving hoopla.

p.s. I love the cousin picture of Ava screaming. Perfectly captures what happens if she is more than a few feet from me. Her separation anxiety is intense. More on that later...


While in Santa Fe, we stopped to visit my great uncle Dardo. He is from Uruguay, and quite a character. His house is in the historical district of Santa Fe, and is about 100 years old. He is an artist and his partner is an architect, so the interior of their house was very unique. I should have taken pictures.

Santa Fe

We made two whirlwind trips through the middle of the United States. We stopped through Santa Fe twice. Once on the way home from looking for a house, and then again when we moved. The old adobe architecture was picturesque. We went and bought some breakfast at the health food store and had a little early morning picnic on the plaza next to the monument. If you look closely you can see that someone scraped the word "savage" off of the stone. I will agree that the term "savage indians" isn't politically correct, but it was sad to see a centuries old historical monument defaced. The second to last picture is the governor's palace. It's the oldest government building in the United States. Native Americans sit under the roof and put out all of their artesania (what's the word in english?) to sell. My mom bought Ava the turquoise bracelet in the last picture. Ian took that picture, by-the-way. Along with a thousand other pictures. He is sort of obsessed with cameras these days.

Max's Birthday

Max turned five in June. His party served as a going away party of sorts. It was a crazy-busy time, as we were in the middle of getting ready to move. I can honestly say that month was one of the busiest of my life. But we pulled off a party, homemade gluten-free cupcakes and all. Phew. It was a magical birthday for him. He loved every second. And we loved spending time with family and friends. We miss them so much already.