Jul 31, 2011

Max's Birthday

Max turned five in June. His party served as a going away party of sorts. It was a crazy-busy time, as we were in the middle of getting ready to move. I can honestly say that month was one of the busiest of my life. But we pulled off a party, homemade gluten-free cupcakes and all. Phew. It was a magical birthday for him. He loved every second. And we loved spending time with family and friends. We miss them so much already.


Kathryn M said...

Looks like fun! (even if it was bittersweet) Wish we could have joined you guys. I don't know how you do it but no matter how crazy your life gets you always pull everything off and make it look easy! Time for you to get some rest!

ecuakim said...

We miss you too. The party was so fun and you are amazing. I couldn't believe all the work you put into it with everything else you had going at the time. We love you and can't wait til you can come back and visit us.