Dec 20, 2010


Ian is three. I really can't believe how much a child can grow in three short years. His three year well-check appointment was very similar to last year. He froze into a silent statue for the duration of the visit. He was too shy to answer any of the doctor's questions, and only nodded in response. I had to reassure the doctor several times that Ian is a social chatterbox at home, and has been talking in sentences since 18 months. As the doctor walked out the door and said goodbye, Ian blurted out an expressionless "Happy-Thanksgivings-Merry-Christmas" as quickly and quietly as he could. That was the only thing he said the whole appointment. And as usual, no crying with the shots.

Interesting tidbits about Ian:

-He has been sleeping in the TOP bunk since he was 26 months old.
-He gets very silly/giddy when tired, but never cranky.
-He talks a lot, and narrates most of our day.
-He likes to throw in as many words as he can. For example, instead of saying "I'm hungry", he says, "mom, uh, I think it must be time for lunch or something".
-He loves to skip, gallop and dance.
-He loves to eat, and will eat just about anything.
-He knows the alphabet pretty well.
-He loves to take showers. As soon as he hears it running he quickly strips down and jumps in with whoever happens to be in there.
-A couple months before he turned three, I caught him standing on the kitchen table and peeing into his cereal bowl. I commenced with potty training immediately and it was a quick, fairly painless process.

Ian loves to make connections and ask questions. A couple weeks ago he came to me and said, "uh, you have a belly button?" When I answered in the affirmative, he asked if he could see it. I acquiesced. Then he said, "You have a belly button, Ava has a belly button, Max has a belly button, and Ian has a belly button...but daddy doesn't. He just has a hole." He is always coming up with little anecdotes that make us laugh.

His three year stats:

weight: 32 lbs (65th%)
height: 39 inches (84th %)

He is a very sweet, smart, affectionate boy with a huge helping of naughty. I could write pages about the damage he has done to our personal property with crayons and scissors. Pages. I am so curious to see what he will be like when he grows up.

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