18 & 16
Ian is officially 18 months old. He did great in nursery, zero tears. He did even better at his appointment today, holding VERY still so the doctor could examine him and not making a peep the whole visit except to tell the doctor "bye-bye" as he walked out. He is a chatterbox...much like his namesakes (his great-grandpa and great-uncle McDonald). He is a fantastic eater. He eats everything I make and always wants seconds. He is ALWAYS happy and never cries unless he gets hurt. When injured, he cries out "BONK, MOMMY, BONK! Kiss it (as he extends the injured body part)." And then the tears subside. He loves to dialogue everything he sees, and usually throws in a random color as well. "White truck...pink flower...black car...etc." The funny part is that he never actually uses the correct color. When we color, he holds up the orange crayon and says "white", then holds the green one and says "blue". I'm not sure if he is colorblind or if he just hasn't figured out the concept of color yet. Here are his stats:height: 34 1/2 inches (95th percentile) weight: 23 lbs 8 oz (20th percentile)head: 18 3/4 inches (50th percentile)I'm not sure that he is quite that tall, I am a little skeptical of their measuring techniques after seeing Max measured the correct way at the endocrinologist. Max is growing well, by-the-way (75th percentile for height and weight), and we are no longer taking him to any specialists. Huge relief.
I am 16 weeks now. I wish I could say that I'm feeling great, but the morning sickness seems to be lingering and I have zero appetite, not to mention an extremely sensitive gag reflex. J-P is tired of dealing with pregnancy drama and constantly remarks "I sure hope this is a girl, because we are DONE!" I figured I would be sentimental and start documenting my pregnancy with photos in case he is serious. I'm not showing a ton, but at 102 pounds my stomach would be half that thick if it didn't have a baby in it. My doctor doesn't seem worried about my weight loss at all (I have been worried sick), he just says "you will have to gain a lot of weight later on to make up for it." I don't think that will be a problem. Assuming that my appetite returns, that is.
Ian is a doll. I can't believe he sits still while the doctor checks him out. What a good boy!
102 pounds? I think that's how much one of my legs weighs right now.
Mary Ann I'm so sorry you are still sick.
I'm pretty sure I never weighed 102#. You look great, sorry you aren't feeling well. Love the boys haircuts!!
The boys haircuts suit them well. Happy to receive an update, though I'm sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Hang in there!
Sorry to hear that you are still sick. Jared and I are excited for your new little addition and we hope its a girl!! :)
102 pounds? 102 POUNDS? This is ridiculous. If I didn't like you so much I would shun you and your depression-inducing blog-stats forever.
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