When I found out Max was going to be a boy, I cried for three days. Boys have never liked me. My brothers HATED me. My bossy, know-it-all personality fostered nothing but sibling rivalry and dissension. Luckily I have a very bold mother who told me many years ago that "boys don't like bossy girls" and that if I ever wanted to get married I would have to change. I worked hard and was finally able to convince a boy to marry me at the ripe age of 26.
Now boys are old hat for me. Little boys, that is. They like trucks, mud, playing outside, breaking things, and adventure. Seeing a mud covered head doesn't phase me anymore. I can totally handle mud. No big deal. Mud is easy. Boys are easy. Plus, little boys LOVE their mothers.
On my mind: Will baby number three be a boy? I'm assuming it will be. Which is fine. I have all the clothes, skills, and toys (the ones that survive) necessary to parent another boy. But what if it's not? I don't have any idea what to do with a girl. For now, we are assuming it's a boy. We can find out for sure in 7 more weeks, or go the surprise route and find out on Oct. 31. What would you do? Oh, and do you know of any cute 3 letter boy names? We've run out of ideas. Not that we're stuck on that trend.
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