Things here are going well too. No excitement like Alex's (we haven't been almost pooped on). We started our Birthing classes and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Everyone has been telling us that they are super long and really boring, but it wasn't too bad. It was a little long. 3 hours on a hard chair. MA definitely walked away the winner of the first night, since I my new assignment is to massage her every night for 15 minutes.
8 weeks away. We knew a couple that was 6 wks ahead of us that delivered last week. Her water broke in the middle of the night and she delivered the next day 3 wks early. Scary, but I guess they consider that full term, so we'll see what happens. MA's been worried that she's going to come early, she goes into the Doc this Thursday and has already started her every 2 wk visits. The clock is definitely ticking for us.
Last night we made up a list of what we still need, according to two of the books that we've been reading - I have one for the guy to prepare; MA got it for me for Christmas and it's been quite good. It seemed to be more comprehensive on the list side than the normal books. Anyway, our list is still longer than I thought it would be. It seems like all we do is shop for new things for the baby. I guess that won't change the next 18 years, eh?
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the long list of everything that you need to get for a new baby.
For the latest pictures you can go to our blog at
http://scovilles.blogspot.comor our flickr account everyone is well.
J-P and MA.